I'll be joining Westlake University as an Assistant Professor in January/February 2022. Please visit here for more details.

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Bing Ren's laboratory, at Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research San Diego. I am interested in epigenomics, chromatin architecture and single-cell technologies. I graduated from the Bioinformatics program at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My thesis advisor is Maureen Sartor.

I develop bioinformatics software to analyze sequencing data. I am also a big fan of open source software, and maintain an active Github account.


Ph.D., Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2016

M.A., Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2016

B.S., Biotechnology, Peking University, Beijing, 2010

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